We aim to be a successful supplier of health products to pharmacies in Australia.
ANZHPL will be a successful supplier of health products to pharmacies in Australia.
ANZHPL will ensure that the end consumer is happy and will treat the pharmacy’s customer as ANZHPL’s customer.
ANZHPL will professionally service all States of Australia.
ANZHPL will develop a portfolio of wanted healthcare products under the Pure Living brand that are high quality, affordable and have long warranty periods.
ANZHPL will develop new products that are creative and fulfils the needs of health and lifestyle customers.
ANZHPL will develop strong long term partnerships based on trust and fairness.
Business Highlights
The ANZHPL distribution business is focussed on selling its own private branded products and some authorised products to supermarkets, pharmacies and licensed stand alone shops. These outlets will offer a catalogue of quality and authentic Australasian products. We are is determined to offer its China based customers:
Best Value – particularly in regards to its own private branded products.
Fastest and most reliable Service.
Latest on trend merchandise.
Highest integrity.
Genuine Australian & New Zealand products only.

ANZHPL will provide China based customers with genuine, clean and healthy products that are manufactured in either Australia or New Zealand.
ANZHPL supplies Australian and New Zealand manufactured and grown products to China based retailers and wholesalers.
The sourcing from Australia and NZ capitalises on its ‘clean, fresh, genuine and green’ credentials
ANZHPL will continue to sell its own privately branded products featuring milk powder, wine, oats, honey, soap and confectionery.
Australia & New Zealand Health Products Limited (ANZHPL) is committed to providing high quality health and lifestyle products at affordable prices. Many of our Pure Living products are sold under licence by many highly regarded consumer brands.
ANZHPL Products have been proudly selling products in Australia and China for 8 years. We are committed to providing high quality affordable products with long warranty periods.

Level 8/ 167-169 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Email: info@anzhpl.com.au
Tel: +61 3 9640 0566/ +61 433 425 346